sbb cff ffs
visual communication for the exhibition sbb cff ffs at museum für gestaltung zürich (design museum zurich).
switzerland is a country of railways and has the busiest rail network in the world. for over a century, the swiss federal railways (sbb cff ffs) have ensured a high level of mobility and have shaped public life in large parts of the country.
their high-quality design, which is part of careful branding, makes the national railway company an outstanding example of swiss design history.
we’ve used the iconic sbb logo design from josef müller-brockmann and hans hartmann from 1972/78 as key visual for the visual communication. the poster is available online at the museum shop.
concept, art direction & design: studio marcus kraft
museum für gestaltung: christian brändle (direction), andres janser (curation), debbie zedi & leona veronesi (marketing)