freitag f-abric
visual communication for a new business branch of bag manufacturer freitag: f-abric. these are textile fabrics that grow and are processed in europe, and which are 100% biodegradable. we created the visual appearance for f-abric in close collaboration with the two founders of the company, daniel and markus freitag.
core medium of communication is a newspaper that explains the project extensively on 80 pages. a highlight is the trip of the freitag brothers by bicycle and train: they traced the production sites of a pair of pants in france, germany, italy, poland and switzerland. this trip was captured photographically and on film and makes for a big picture pool for the print and online media.

the f-abric products are produced with such incredible consequence that this also had to be mirrored by the communication: we have, for instance, printed all relevant product information on the inside of the fabric and have thus dispensed with any unnecessary care labels. all hangtags are made of waste paper.
concept, art direction & design: studio marcus kraft, lukas wassmann (photography road trip), yves scagliola (road trip movie), nadine ottawa (inside out campaign), pascal grob (look shots), rainer brenner (text), simon trüb, marlon ilg (illustrations)
freitag: daniel & markus freitag (creative direction), daniel rohrer (overall responsibility), lukas widmer (production road trip), david keller (text), mario stadelmann, leandro destefani (store design)